7aa9394dea Oops, Sorry! Download] [cheat] oops sorry message. oops sorry my bad. oops sorry something went wrong. oops sorry to catch a predator. oops sorry in french. oops now sorry i can't go. oops i'm sorry denise. oops sorry than. oops sorry 2 wds. oops i'm sorry. oops sorry so. oops sorry meme. kelso oops sorry gif. oops sorry very ghost. oops sorry you'll need to log in ionic login. oops sorry chanel. oops sorry very ghost. oops sorry meaning. oops sorry something went wrong santander. oops sorry vine. oops sorry two words crossword. oops sorry traducir. oops sorry i dropped my doritos. oops sorry cocoa. oops sorry you'll need to log in ionic login. oops sorry sir. oops sorry. page is not found. oops sorry language used. oops now sorry i can't go. oops sorry emoji. oops sorry something went wrong santander. oops sorry i forgot your birthday. oops sorry en espanol. oops sorry 2 words. oops sorry wrong festive leaf I bought this game out of pure nostalgia. I remember how much I used to love it when I was younger. I've been wanting to play it for a while so I finally gave the ten dollars necessary to do so. I now somewhat regret my decision because the countless hours I used to have fun with this game no longer hold up. Sure it's nice to have a real-time game that you can check on periodically like you do with Facebook or a virtual pet. This game however lacks the certain fun qualities of a real-time game. Your villagers randomly die while you're not playing and it doesn't clue you in on why it happened so that you can prevent it in the future. Overall, I would say this game is worth three dollars max. I regret paying so much for it, but now I know what seemed fun when I was younger may not be the case in present day.. This game truely sux. It's nearly unpossible to win, because the NPCs cheats like hell. you only have to try and try and try till you finally win a round. it's no skill requiered. play real poker are try another poker game. This game is only a big waste of money!. Nice idea, but poorly executed. The porting is dreadful and the game ends in 1-2 hours (maybe for good since is too repetitive) ,buy only during sales if you are curious. One of WAY TOO MANY of the indie games of the late 2000's that focus on delivering an 'experience' and to 'change the way gaming is perceived' and 'waste your \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing time with a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 boring platformer disguised as an introspective journey into a world and into yourself'. Don't get this, and if you were unfortunate enough to have already received it, don't play it. It's not worth your time.. This is one of the worst puzzle games I\u2019ve ever played. I don\u2019t even know where to start.So the object of the game is to wait for some colored dots to spawn, then click on a variety of stationary tools to get them to fly into receptor objects. Sometimes the dots will fly wildly all over the screen until you activate magnets to suck them up. Other times they will break or decay and need to re-spawn. Yet other times they don\u2019t respawn, so if you mess up the puzzle you need to start all over. There are a few good ideas, but what game doesn\u2019t have a few good ideas? Here, it\u2019s completely destroyed by a large number of issues:* Non-deterministic physics. When I first played the game, the introductory level told me to \u201cjust watch.\u201d Then physics glitched out and two particles collided when they should not have, breaking the level and leaving me staring at the screen until I realized I had to restart. Things didn\u2019t get much better from there.* Most of the puzzles don\u2019t involve planning, but having highly precise aim and timing. This is \u201cI know what I need to do, but it\u2019s taking me two hundred tries to do it: the game\u201d * Solved the puzzle? \u2013 Great, now you have to do it again. Four times. For some reason, clearing most stages requires you to repeat the exact same actions several times in a row, usually four times, sometimes more. All the while, the physics could glitch out at any time and require a restart.* The only texture in the game is the space background. White textureless models are hard on the eyes and make it difficult to distinguish between different objects.* Twitch-reaction solutions are very frustrating when they require quickly clicking on multiple tiny objects.* Camera controls are a joke; the camera and the game can\u2019t be controlled at the same time, and it resets at the beginning of every level.* The only music is a few 12-second ambient loops. Sounds are unremarkable. (The voice-overs for the tutorials were decent, though)* It is impossible to play this game in full-screen if you have multiple monitors, it will crash instantly. You need to edit a config file just to let it run.In short, this game is irritating, obtuse, unrewarding, glitchy, and visually awful. On the bright side, I got all of the achievements in under 5 hours\u2026 so if you\u2019re an achievement hunter, go for it, just don\u2019t expect to have much fun.